Below is the list of words, expressions and names which are issued by SECP.
We have bifurcated these words on the basis of categories. So, it would be easy for you to go through them.
First three categories are allowed at any cost. However, last one category words are allowed subject to approval of Registrar or SECP.
Names / words of or related with governments, statutes etc.
Federal Govt | Division | Governor | Parliament / Parliamentary |
Provincial Govt | Department | Prime Minister | Statute / Statutory |
Commission | Undertaking | Chief Minister | Court |
Authority | Municipal | Minister | Judge |
Registered / Register | Union | Cabinet | Jury |
Any political personality | Republic | Senate | Judiciary |
Co-operative | Nation / National | National Assembly | Administrator |
Bureau | President | Provincial Assembly | Establishment |
Names of International Bodies
IMF | Red Cross |
ADB | Red Crescent |
World Bank | International Finance Corporation |
UN and its institutions | All others (not covered here) |
Arab League | IDB |
Names of National Bodies and Regulators
State Bank of Pakistan |
Pakistan Stock Exchange |
All others (not covered here) |
Others (They are allowed on SECP or Registrar approval)
Association | Fazaiya / Air Force | Chamber | Private Equity |
Foundation | Cadet / Army / Armed Forces | Charter / Chartered | Venture Capital |
Assurance / Assurer | Shaheen | Corporation | Modaraba |
Insurance / Insurer | Military / Defence | Exchange / Bourse | Housing Finance |
Re-Assurance / Re-assurer | Banking / Bank / Banker | Federal | Asset Management |
Re-Insurance / Re-Insurer | Board | Federation | Leasing |
Bahia / Navy | Council | Province / Provincial | Investment Advisory |
Askari / Fauji / Forces | Capital | Finance / Financial | Investment Finance |
Invest | Investment | Investor | Fund |
Group | Holding | Institution | University |
Pakistan / Pakistani | State | Islam / Islamic | National |
Name of any country | Trust | Security | Securities |
Name of any nationality | New / Modern | Inc. / Corp / LLC / LLP | Gymkhana |
Pakistan + (other country) | A / An / The | Enterprise | Arms / Ammunition |
Famous Personality | AI | Industry / Factory / Mills | Commodity / Commodities |
Corporation | International | Partnership / Firm | Pay / Paisa / Payment |
Society | Company / Co. | Proprietor | Rupee / Money |
Registered Brands | Registered Patents | Azad Kashmir (AJK) | Gilgit Baltistan |
Registered Trademarks | Registered Designs | KPK | Baluschistan |
Registered Copyrights | Registered Artworks | FATA / FANA | Sindh / Punjab |
Source references
ConSerIC is sharing source links and references.
- Section 10 of the Companies Act 2017
- The Companies Regulation 2024
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