How to get approval on SECP prohibited words?

Below is a brief guide to get approval of Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) on restricted and prohibited words, names and expressions.

Before Reading below table, kindly go through these abbreviations:


  • TO – Trade Organization
  • DGTO – Director General of TOs
  • PSC – Public Sector Company
  • NBFC – Non – Banking Finance Company
  • REIT – Real Estate Investment Trust

A straight path to get your desired company name from SECP

This article is written on basis of our experience, SECP decisions and the Companies Regulations 2024. If you follow our guidance, it is more likely that proposed name will be available. Hopefully, this blog will help a lot to get your desired name available.
However, ConSerIC is not providing any guarantee that applied name will be available. We have compiled this guide on the basis our experience and SECP notifications / regulations / decisions. Registrar reserves the authority on the name confirmation.

For all below cases, the decision of SECP is final.
Sr. NoWords, PhrasesWhich company can availWhen
1.Unique, AppropriateAll the companiesProper justification, appropriate reasons or an explanation have been provided to the registrar
2.Association, FoundationSection 42 companyLicensed by SECP
Trade Organization (TO)Licensed by DGTO
3.FundSection 42Licensed by SECP
PSC, TO, NBFC undertakes asset management services, private equity and venture capital equityPrior approval of SECP or its licensing under the Section 42 of the Companies Act 2017
4.CouncilSection 42Licensed by SECP
Trade Organization, Sport Association and Professional BodyUpon licensing by SECP under the Section 42.
5.ChamberAny companyWhich is to be established as TO
6.TrustNBFC undertakes REIT asset management services, private equity and venture capital equityPrior approval of SECP.
Not for profit organizationCompany will be licensed under Section 42 and reason to use name must he provided to the Registrar.
7.SocietyAny companyJustification is provided for the satisfaction of registrar
8.Assurance, Assurer, Insurance, Insurer, Re-Assurance, Re-Assurer, Re-Insurance, Re-InsurerCompany undertakes business of Insurance, Assurance, Reinsurance and Re-assurancePrior approval of SECP.
9.BoardCompany desires to engage in the business of paper and board mills.(In practice) Approval of concerned registrar
Public Sector Companies
10.Bahria,Askari, Fauji, Fazaiya, Cadet, Armed Forces or Forces, Army, Navy, Air Force, Shaheen, Military, DefenceCompany to be established by relevant agency (of armed forces)NOC of relevant agency is required
11.Bank, Banking, BankerCompany undertakes business of banking business (Commercial banks)Prior approval or license of SBP
Investment bankPrior approval of SECP
12.ChapterAny company to be established by an entity or organization which have various global or local chaptersPrior permission or approval (NOC) of such entity or organization
13.Charter, CharteredCompany having charter from autonomous body, sovereign authority of Federation or ProvinceCharter or SRO or Act or Ordinance of Federation or Province is sufficient
14.CorporationAll the companiesJustification is provided for the satisfaction of registrar.
15.CapitalAll the companiesJustification is provided for the satisfaction of registrar.
16.Commodity / CommoditiesAny company is to trade in shares / stocks / commoditiesPrior approval of SECP
17.Exchange, BourseSecurities Exchange, Commodity Exchange, Mercantile Exchange and Exchange CompanyPrior approval of relevant authority.
 Names of famous or distinct personalitiesAll the companiesPrior NOC of personality or proper justification is provided to registrar
18.FederationSection 42Licensed by SECP
Trade bodies or organizationsLicensed by DGTO
19.Federal / Province / ProvincialCompany having connection with or patronage of Federal / Provincial GovtPrior approval of SECP. The approval may be granted if the company is establishing under the law of national or provincial assembly.
20.  Sindh, Punjab, Baluchistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa or KPK, FATA, Gilgit Baltistan or FANA, Azad Jammu & Kashmir or AJK.Company has no connection with or patronage of the respective GovtProper justification is to be provided to the Registrar.
Company has connection of it is to be incorporated by the respective Provincial GovtPrior approval of SECP
21.GymkhanaAny companyAppropriate reasons, proper justification to be provided to registrar
22.GroupAny company where the word “Group” implies several companies under common ownershipEvidence of subsidiary, associate relationship with two or more companies has to be provided
23.HoldingAny companyCompany qualifies to be a holding company under clause 37 of sub-section (1) of Section 2 along with proper justification
24.Islam / Islami and words (or expressions) related to other religionsFor Section 42 companies, NGOs, Trusts, society. However, such companies must be Shariah compliant.Prior approval of SECP. Practically, this word, “Islam” would be available to the welfare / not-for-profit organizations / NGOs working for religious activities.
25.Institute or InstitutionAny companyProper justification to the registrar
26.Finance, Financial, Investment Finance, Investment Advisory, Leasing, Asset Management, Housing Finance, Modaraba, Venture Capital, Private EquityNBFC, Investment company, Modaraba company, Brokerage housePrior approval of SECP
Public sector financial institutionPrior approval of SECP or SBP as the case may be
27.Country name or nationality other than PakistanAny companyAppropriate justification to satisfaction of registrar.
28.Names of two different countries for example Pak and Qatar, Pak-China, Pak-Germany etc.Any company which is Joint Venture of concerned Govts or companies or individuals of two relevant countriesDocumentary evidence is provided to satisfaction of registrar to support the fact that company is joint venture
29.NationalAny company. But such company have to justify its connection with the Government (it might be NOC, governing law provisions, special permission)Approval of Registrar or SECP
30.Non-dictionary wordsAny companyAppropriate reasons, proper justification to be provided to registrar
31.StatePublic Sector companies(In practice) Approval of concerned registrar
32.Security / SecuritiesAny companyProper justification is to be provided to the Registrar.
33.UniversityCompany is to be established for management (administering) universityCompany is to be established under terms and guidelines of HEC. NOC or approval or licence might be required
34.New, Modern, The, Al, International, Company, Co., Inc., Firm, Partnership, LLP, LLC, Proprietor, Enterprise, Mills, FactoryAny companyProper justification to satisfaction of registrar. However, these expressions will not be available if they are used make your distinct from the already registered company. For instance, ABC Pvt Ltd is already registered, you have put forward application of ABC LLC Pvt Ltd.
35.Arms and AmmunitionA company which is being registered for the trade or dealing of arms and ammunition or related defense technologies.Prior approval or NOC or license from the Ministry of Interior or Defense
36.Registered Brands, Trademarks, Patents, Copyrights (Registered with the Intellectual Property Organization (IPO) of Pakistan)Any company bearing such intellectual propertiesDocumentary evidence of ownership and registration must be provided to the Registrar.

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Source references

ConSerIC is sharing source links and references.

  1. Section 10 of the Companies Act 2017
  2. The Companies Regulation 2024
  3. SECP decisions over the time
  4. ConSerIC experience and learning over the time

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